About Us
Higher Education Resource Services – East Africa (HERS-EA), is an educational non-profit organization advancing women leadership management in East Africa. Established in 2014, HERS-EA is an affiliate of HERS based in Denver, USA and was established in 1972.
The goal of HERS-EA is to raise the proportion of women in leadership and management positions in higher education institutions (HEIs) in East Africa to at least 50%. HERS-EA’s main objectives are: To develop women leaders in HEIs in East Africa and To empower women at multi-tiers of leadership and integrate the results to change systems. The HERS-EA curriculum incorporates elements of the signature HERS curriculum but has been adapted and enhanced by the directors of HERS-EA as appropriate for the goals and needs of women in East Africa.

What We Do:
PIN (Personal development, Institutional development,
and Networking and mentorship)
HERS-EA provides intensive residential leadership and management development training focused on women, mainly in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and administration. Currently serving seven countries: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi,
South Sudan and Ethiopia.​
According to The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development Round Table review on the impact of Higher Education across six continents, 2012, it concluded that the most progressive regions are those that had embraced and collaborated with expertise from diverse fields in Higher Education Institutes (HEI).
HERS-EA was mindful of the acute shortage of women in HEIs in EA and set out to intentionally support and prepare women leaders to steer HEIs in East Africa so that they (HEIs) could create developmental ideas needed for 21st Century development.
HEIs need to be dynamic in their utilization of the available resources to create the maximum possible effect on their threshold communities.
The women of East Africa have the ability and drive to play their part, through leadership at HEIs and HERS-EA pledged to be the vehicle for this cause.