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Annual HERS-EA Leadership Academy

The HERS-EA Leadership Academy is a one-week intensive leadership training program using a HERS-EA Leadership and management development curriculum which equips women with skills needed to advance their personal career development and successfully navigate the institutional environment where they operate. It also provides great networking opportunities for developing strategic partnerships that can lead to mutually beneficial research collaborations and mentorship. The program is focused on managing and leading change, human resource development and institutional effectiveness. The Academy prepares every participant to strengthen and expand her leadership skills by working closely with HERS-EA resource persons and staff. HERS-EA is one of the most compelling leadership development opportunities for women in HEIs in East Africa as participants have a chance to shape the Academy to meet their unique individual and professional needs and to act as change agents at their institutions. Thus far, HERS-EA has conducted six successful annual Academies (in summer) training over 179 women from approximately 22 HEIs in EA and USA. 

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